Regina Maroncelli president of the European Large Families Confederation (ELFAC) and the European Network of Family-Friendly Municipalities
Representative of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR)
Stefania Segnana Family policy adviser, Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy)
Kinga Joó member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Keynote speech: How to improve public policies without public funds: procurement scores and economic of saturation
Luciano Malfer general director of the Agency for Social Cohesion, Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy)
Questions and answers
Round table - The experience of national networks:
Italy: Chiara Ledda
Poland: Irena Jesnamowicz
Portugal: Vitória Salvado
Good practices from Municipalities:
Section I: Innovative policies to support families (Portuguese, Krakow, Trento)
Section II: Family tourism: experiences of municipalities with a tourist vocation
(Dubrovnik, Spanish, Alghero)
Section III: Good practices of partnerships with companies for a new work culture
(Aurora Fellow . Italy, KGHM . Poland, Caprabo - Spain)
Closing speech:
Dubravka Suica, vice president for Democracy and Demography, European Commission
Questions and answers
Delivery of diplomas to new municipalities’ members.
Training and workshop for municipalities and associations.